An incubator for ideas and a place to engage people’s imaginations, the UVM FabLab makes rapid-prototyping tools available to UVM students and faculty. The lab provides the opportunity for interaction in developing and testing innovative products and designs. We encourage projects that support research, innovation and creativity, and student work that is supported by coursework and professors. Innovate, Iterate, Make!
We provide digital fabrication technology and services for UVM courses, research, faculty and students. Additionally the facility includes soldering stations and microcontrollers to support student hands-on projects. The lab is staffed daily by student employees who are in undergraduate STEM programs.
The UVM FabLab is funded by the College of Engineering and Mathematical Sciences with support from the Office of the Vice President for Research
Working with Lab
The UVM FabLab is a resource for the College of Engineering and Mathematical Sciences (CEMS) community and other UVM programs and departments by special request. Projects must be academic in nature and affiliated with a professor. Have a part to print in the FabLab? Does your project need a part cut on the laser cutter? Stop by during our staffed hours and fill out a ticket. You’ll have to fill in your contact information and some details about the part you are printing. You can bring us your part file on a flash drive or email it to us at fablab@uvm.edu. See the button below for more information!

Equipment on site includes:
- CAD/CAM software
- 3D Printing
- Laser Cutting and engraving
- Soldering Stations
- Sewing and Embroidery Machine
- Plotter
- Cricut
- Reflow Soldering oven
The UVM FabLab shares space with the Prototype shop. On campus partners include the Instrumentation and Model Facility (IMF) and the many research labs that are a part the College of Engineering and Mathematical Sciences. Read more about our equipment using the button below!

The FabLab had its grand opening on May 2, 2012. It started as a space where makers could come to work on their projects and have access to state of the art equipment. It was staffed part time by 1-2 students who helped people looking to use the lab. In the Spring of 2014, the space was used to educate K-12 teachers about digital fabrication. This program was run by Jennifer Karson who is an Arts Professor at the University of Vermont.
The lab began to be staffed full time by students in the Spring of 2015. During this time it was used to fabricate projects for classes and Senior engineering students working on their SEED (Senior Experience in Engineering Design) Projects. From Fall 2016 to Spring 2024, the lab completed a total of 5397 projects ranging from arts projects to academic research, and even an art peice for the Flemming Museum! Jennifer Karson was the Lab Supervisor from the creation of the lab in 2012 until the Spring of 2024 when she was promoted to head of the Arts Department.

The FabLab space underwent three renovations and expanded significantly from 2015 to 2024, growing from a modest 380 square feet to 2017 square feet. In 2024, the lab is over 5x its original size! The expansion accommodated new equipment, classroom needs, and team-based projects. Our staff has expanded to include 16 active staff members and a total of 55 students working in the lab from 2016-2024.
The FabLab is continuing to expand and grow to better meet the needs of the UVM community with more advanced equipment and new programs to help educate UVM students. This facility wouldn’t be possible with generous contributions from tyhe many donors and organizations who have helped us grow over the years.