The UVM FabLab has a soldering station available for use during open hours for UVM students. FabLab technicians are able to train students in the basics of soldering and we host soldering workshops periodically during the semester for students to complete a soldering kit and hone their skills.
All students who are planning to solder in the UVM FabLab must complete the ‘Soldering Safety Training’ online course at UVM Online Safety Training and wear lab-safe clothing (pants, closed-toe shoes, no baggy or loose clothing). Please review the videos below before attending the workshop.

Soldering instruction Basics:
- https://learn.sparkfun.com/tutorials/how-to-solder—through-hole-soldering
- https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=f95i88OSWB4
- https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QKbJxytERvg
More advanced instruction:
Safety: Soldering involves potentially dangerous things happening right next to your face, it is important to remember to take the proper precautions:
- UVM Online Safety Training (login and look for ‘Soldering Safety Training’ under Specific Hazards)
- You are required to wear eye protection when soldering, blobs of hot metal can pop and fly.
- Position the fume extractor right next to the piece you are working on, soldering produces nasty fumes.
Be very aware of where you are holding the soldering iron. It feels kind of like holding a pencil but far from the tip, so it doesn’t feel natural at first. You may subconsciously want to readjust your grip to hold it closer to the tip, but you will burn yourself if you do it.