We currently offer remote consulting for the UVM community: The FabLab team is available to consult with students, faculty, staff and K-12 educators about the prototyping services of the FabLab that include 3D printing, laser cutting and engraving and more (for a listing of equipment see uvmfablab.net). Students may also contact us to get advice about 3d model designs; while the FabLab is not currently fabricating academic projects in the lab the FabLab team can offer advice around the viability of models and make suggestions that would improve 3d models and make them suitable for 3d printing in the future. To contact the UVM FabLab email fablab@uvm.edu.
Regarding local manufacturing and needs for the COVID-19 crisis: UVM’s Instrumentation and Model Facility (IMF) is leading UVM’s response to these needs, addressing medical equipment needs, repair and fabrication. UVM Risk Management and UVM IMF are working closely together and with the UVM Medical Center; the UVM FabLab is supporting their efforts. Thank you to everyone who has shown concern and sent us DIY patterns and models.